Hawaii Timeshare Maintenance Fees
When talking about the value of timeshare, Hawaiian timeshares frequently come up as the example of a timeshare location that is able to hold it’s sale value. In light of the fact that timeshares in Hawaii tend to hold their value over time, there has been a lot of discussion as of late regarding rising maintenance fees for these timeshare resort properties in Hawaii.
Some examples I’ve found recently for resales for Hawaii timeshares include:
Kauai, Hawaii – 1 bedroom floating week, $444 maintenance fees annually. Asking $7,900.00
Maui, Hawaii – 1 bedroom biannual ownership, floating week, $500 maintenance fees every year. Asking $7,500.00.
Kauai, Hawaii – 2 bedroom with 148,100 biannual points, $1234 maintenance fees annually. Asking $25,000.
The cost of upgrading it also getting higher for Hawaii timeshares. At a Maui timeshare some owners have reported paying $4-5,000 to upgrade to a nicer part of the resort.
Only you can decide if buying a Hawaii timeshare is a good alternative to paying for a traditional vacation to Hawaii. A few figures to keep in mind while you make the calculations are as follows:
The cost of a 7 day Hawaiian vacation for a family of 4 is roughly $8000, including car rental costs. Accommodation costs alone will range between $2500-$3000 for a trip to Hawaii, and these figures should be considered when you’re deciding whether or not to purchase a Hawaiian timeshare resale.
Opening a separate account for your vacation funds is a great way to put away money for a family trip effectively. You have your checking account for daily expenses, and your savings account for emergency or more long-term spending goals in Timeshare Exchanges.