Are Timeshare Owners Happy?
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Are Timeshare Owners Happy?

Unhappy timeshare owners seem to be the most vocal, but this does not necessarily mean that all timeshare owners are unhappy. Statistically speaking 85% of timeshare owners are happy with their vacation situation.(1) Public opinion of timeshares seems to be largely negative, but this is probably because unhappy timeshare owners write a lot more about…

What Is The Average Age Of a Timeshare Owner?
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What Is The Average Age Of a Timeshare Owner?

The stereotypical timeshare owner in most people’s mind is the quintessential ‘empty nester’, looking for somewhere warm to go for the winter months and join the flocks of snow birders in resort-centric towns closer to the equator. The face of timeshare owners has changed dramatically since the 90s, and you may be surprised to learn…

Are Timeshares Still A Thing? How Timeshares Became a 9.2 Billion Dollar Industry In 2021
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Are Timeshares Still A Thing? How Timeshares Became a 9.2 Billion Dollar Industry In 2021

For so many individuals, timeshares and scam have become almost synonymous with one another, like a bad joke from the late nineties. But if there is seemingly such a ubiquitous and dubious knowledge around this industry, why is it a 9.2 billion dollar industry today? The reason why the timeshare industry continues to grow and…

Best Timeshares To Purchase In 2021
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Best Timeshares To Purchase In 2021

The timeshare market is evolving and changing rapidly. Once upon a time individuals would purchase one block of time a year at a single destination. But with the points system being offered by larger conglomerates, it is possible to vacation at several different locations around the world at different times each year. Given how the…

Lando Resorts can be found all over the world
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What Is Lando Resorts? Timeshare Help Resource

A Brief History, Its Affiliated Institutions And Where They Are Located Lando Resorts Corporation (LRC) was founded in 1996. It is the engine behind forty three different affiliated resort locations across the continental USA, and continues to operate today.  Behind the glossy, fun in the sun filled images of one of LRC’s affiliated companies Vacation…

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Timeshare Resale Tips: What You Need to Know

Are you considering dipping your toes into the timeshare resale market and want to know how to do it the right way? Perhaps you have a timeshare and want to sell it. Or you might be thinking about buying a timeshare resale for your next family vacation. Either way, you need to consider these helpful…

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Club Wyndham Desert Blue Access

We received the following submission from one of our users about their experience with Club Wyndham: “WOW! What a smooth talking, very likeable guy at Desert Blue in Las Vegas! We already have TWO timeshares, totaling 308,000 points that we rarely used, and somehow, this man talked us into buying an ADDITIONAL 154,000 points by…

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Wyndham Financing Company Experience

One of our users commented on our What Happens If I Stop Paying My Timeshare? article about their experience with Wyndham: Hope this will help some ppl with Wyndham accounts, predominantly Australians. We were on our honeymoon & naive; we bought into trap. We paid about six months of repayments after that we stop cold turkey….