Mayan Palace Timeshare Scam
We received the following submission from one of our users about their experience with timeshares at Mayan Palace in Mexico:
“I bought a timeshare at Mayan Palace as an investment and was told I could use the equity to purchase a one or two bedroom. They have totally lied about everything they said they were going to do. They are impossible to contact. They said they fired the manager who originally sold the timeshare to me but I do not believe that happened. The same salesperson sold my girlfriend a timeshare that I heard him say they would sell her timeshare for exchange for hers because she was trying to get out of her old one. She signed the papers and was stuck with two. They completely lied to her and continue to do so. She had not had any success in resolving her issue with the same timeshare company. She also had another couple that were friends of hers that bought and they were lied to and promised a bunch of stuff.
Tired of so many lies, we found a company that cancels timeshares, we contacted them for a free consultation. They sent us a contract where it was established if they do not cancel our contract we do not have to pay anything to them. They got the cancellation of 2 of our contracts and they are working on our other contract. We are happy with the results and we want to share with others in order to avoid more injustice from Grupo Mayan.”
Can you please give me the information to the company that is helping cancel your contract. I too have been scammed! Thank you!
Yes, who is the this company that cancels timeshares successfully?? Sounds too good to be true.