Timeshare Rescue

Timeshare Resort in Vietnam I have been alerted after reading on various timeshare forums of a potentially hazardous company known as Timeshare Rescue. Timeshare Rescue is one of several timeshare collection organizations, sometimes referred to as title transfer companies. These title transfer companies often appear out of nowhere, offering owners an exit strategy from their unwanted time share for a fee. These are often the only viable option for individuals who have been scammed out of their money in exchange for unusable and unmanageable timeshares that are worthless on the resale market. Unfortunately, the title transfer company landscape is just filled with corruption in a way similar to the actual timeshare industry, including timeshare resale.

A quick glance at their Better Business Bureau profile doesn’t reveal anything too incriminating, although their profile is not very detailed. Still, this is relatively normal for new companies, and the Timeshare Rescue file was made in September, 2007 according to the BBB. The company itself, as listed on the California State Secretary website, opened shop on June 26th, 2007. This would not be so odd by itself were it not for the fact that curious consumers calling the company and attending presentations have been told that Timeshare Rescue has been in business for 2 years and has transferred the titles of over 1,000 timeshares. This figure is impossible since, as the profile says, the company was formed in 2007.

Additionally, a closer look at the BBB profile shows that Timeshare Rescue is not a member which is typically a red flag for companies, especially those involved with timesharing. Furthermore, the BBB classifies Timeshare Rescue as a timeshare company, specifically classified as “Timeshare Campground/Resort Companies”. It would seem that Timeshare Rescue would be concerned about its image and strive to clarify this, since most title transfer companies abhor the notion of being categorized with the rest of the timeshare market. In short, the BBB profile fails to offer the consumer any grounds for trust whatsoever, which is paramount in an industry teeming with out-and-out scandals.

A recent up date regarding Timeshare Rescue in early 2008 shows that the company became a BBB Accredited Business on 3/28/08, however, they still do not have an official rating. I would advise you to still exercise caution if you are considering signing a contract with Timeshare Rescue.

** UPDATE 8/11/09 **

Timeshare Rescue had their Better Business Bureau accreditation revoked on 5/1/09, and has an F Rating.

The following was taken from the BBB.org Website:

“On May 1, 2009 this company’s (Timeshare Rescue) accreditation in the BBB was revoked by the BBB’s Board of Directors due to failure to eliminate the underlying cause of complaints on file with the BBB.

Based on BBB files, this business has a BBB Rating of F.

Reasons for this rating include:

  • Length of time business has been operating.
  • 169 complaints filed against business
  • 83 complaints filed against business that were not resolved.
  • Overall complaint history with BBB.
  • Advertising issue(s) found by BBB.
  • BBB Accreditation was revoked because business failed to comply with agreed BBB standards.
  • Business has failed to resolve underlying cause(s) of a pattern of complaints.
  • Failure to respond to one complaint filed against business.

The BBB has noticed a pattern of complaints concerning: the length of time it takes to transfer ownership of the timeshare, concerns with taking over payments of the timeshare’s maintenance fees, misleading timeshare tax information given to consumers and poor customer service. Consumers also state that the company is not returning phone calls. Consumers state they are receiving automated responses from support@timesharerescue.com email. The automated response is a Q & A fact sheet based on Time Share Rescue consumer FAQ’s.

The address for this company is a mailbox drop location only, the actual whereabouts of this company are unknown to the BBB at this time.”
** UPDATE 11/4/09 **

According to the Timeshare Rescue website, “We are now a FREE service helping timeshare owners get out of their timeshare units.  If you have a timeshare that you want to be rid of, we are here to provide FREE information on how you can get rid of your timeshare yourself.”

They also have created a Feedback Forum, where they encourage you to, “…use this forum as a means to communicate with us with regard to your timeshare transfer questions.  This is a place for all feedback regarding timeshare transfer questions.  We look forward to communicating with you here and providing information to you as a FREE service.”

The new Timeshare Rescue website appears to have gone live on November 1, 2009.  I encourage anyone who has used the new site to share their story below, and help fellow timeshare owners who have been dealing with Timeshare Rescue.

Please feel free to post comments if you have had any experiences with Timeshare Rescue.

** UPDATE 2/11/09 **

The Timeshare Rescue website is no longer available.  When you go to the page it tries to redirect to the Wanted Weeks website, which is also not functional at this time.

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  1. Timeshare Rescue proved to be a complete fraud. They took our money, strung us along, and failed to take any action at all on our behalf…but they were happy to have our money. We were fortunate to recover 1/2 our funds — we used two credit cards to pay them. One of the banks saw that something was fishy and forced the issue into arbitration. The other bank basically blew us off because we had filed the complaint more than 90 days after the charge. I thought they’d be out of business by now. In any case, this is as dishonest an outfit in the timeshare resale game as any we’ve come across. They should be tarred and feathered, and run out of town.

  2. DONOT DO ANY BUSINESS WITH Timeshare Assistance. We paid them 2 years ago to do a transfer and nothing has been done. We kept getting maintenance bills and was told by Timeshare Assistance INC to ignore them and that they will handle them. Well, no payment was ever made. The transfer was NOT done. So the timeshare is still in our names and we now owe 2 years of maintenance fee. We are suing the compnay and if anyone has similar story, perhaps we can join forces to bring this company done. They need to stop swindling senior citizens with limited income. There is a special hell for the owner/ president: S. V. and managers: J. E. and L. E.

  3. Hello Again! I forgot to ask if anyone has a number we can reach TSR? I am going to contact the bbb in Colorado as well.

  4. Wow, I have read so many of your messages on this blog and see that I am not alone being scammed by Timeshare Rescue!! Like many of you I also charged $1,500 on a charge card only to find out the transfer of the title on my time share never happened. I have been getting notices of course to pay the 2010 maintenance fee. I finally called them and they told me they had no record of TSR contacting them. Someone mentioned to call the credit card company to have the fee adjusted. It's been over a year now, so I sure hope they will do it for me. I have contacted the BBB in Colorado, but I haven't heard back from them. I guess we are stuck with our Time Shares Folks!! 🙂

  5. Fortunately, there is no confusing about my comment of this company "TimeShare Rescue" i have paperwork to prove that this company is a FRAUD~~~~i believe they operate under different names and cheat people in different states.

  6. We have been doing business since June 2008. The deed for the timeshare is in someone elses name and because TSR has not provided the license and corp. # FL. doesn't recognize them. I can pay the mentenance fees but the timeshare isn't ours to use. I just need someone from TSR to sign the deed back to our name. It will cost $2,000 for an att. to do it. I LOVE TIMESHARES

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