How To Rent A Vacation Timeshare Without Owning One: Avoid The Burden Of Ownership and Still Enjoy Luxury Vacation Destinations From Within A Timeshare
Whether you have been on the merry go round of the timeshare, and have finally found your freedom, or perhaps you have never owned a timeshare and have no intention of doing so, you can still benefit from staying at a timeshare.
Even without owning a timeshare often, these vacation destinations are more affordable than a hotel stay, and interestingly, it is possible to stay at a timeshare without being an owner. So, how could someone find a way to vacation in their desired destination at a timeshare without owning it?
Many individuals who own timeshares are unable to sell their property or get out of their contract, and are also not able to pay their maintenance fees, so they have opted to rent out their timeshare.
Yes, it is possible to rent a timeshare without any of the burden of ownership or obscenely long presentations as a trade off. Renting a timeshare is not as simple as booking a hotel stay, and it will take a bit more work on the part of the vacationer. However, the savings in cost and the quality of your stay may make the extra preparation worthwhile.
Here is how to successfully stay at a timeshare and save money on your vacation:
- Know your desired destination
- Be flexible with dates
- Be willing to pay using Paypal
- Check Ebay regularly for new listings (Become an auctioneer)
- Join and check listings regularly
It is possible to stay at timeshares without owning, or being pushed into long arduous timeshare presentations. Ideally individuals looking to stay at timeshares should know their desired destination, so that as they check in with sites like ebay and redweek, they know in advance what location to search for.
Once you become clear about where you want to vacation, the next crucial element in getting a great deal on your timeshare stay is the ability to be flexible with the dates. Unlike booking a hotel stay, you will want to approach timeshare rentals more as a hunter. You should be on the lookout for a great deal, as new rentals are typically posted daily.
Payment Method For Timeshare Rentals: Paypal or Venmo
Unlike booking a hotel, it is very often expected that you will pay using paypal or venmo to book your timeshare. Often if owners are renting out their timeshare, they are doing so to cover maintenance costs, or for a variety of reasons are unable to off load their timeshare. This means that you will not be paying a large organization for your stay, but rather an individual, so rather than a credit card payment an electronicl transfer, paypal, or venmo is the expectation.
This does not mean that the quality of your stay will be any less than it would be if you were booking directly through a Hilton, or Marriott for example, it just means that you are paying a small business owner.
Check The Status Of Availability Daily on Ebay and Redweek: Become an Auctioneer or Vacation Hunter
Things change quickly in the timeshare rental industry and you will want to stay on your toes to find the best possible deal in your desired location. It sounds strange, but many timeshare rentals can be found on ebay. If you already know that you can be flexible with dates, then be sure to make checking ebay a regular part of your routine. New listings are posted daily, and you may just catch the vacation rental of your dreams for a fraction of the price you would pay for a hotel.
Approach timeshare rentals as if you were fishing, just keep casting out, and eventually the ideal situation will show up. If this feels very uncomfortable for you, then it may be more desirable to just book a hotel. If you are ready to be an active participant in the hunt for your ideal vacation stay, then renting a timeshare may be just the ticket.
Lower End Vs. Higher End Timeshare Vacation Rentals
If you are looking primarily to save money then ebay is the best place to check for your vacation rental, however if luxury is more important for you than join Redweek. You will find all kinds of great rentals at higher end resorts.
To keep your options open check both sites regularly, knowing that redweek will offer more expansive options that are less personal than ebay. Ebay operates like a silent auction, so be ready to get a great deal on a vacation rental auction, but be sure you are taking an active stance.
Either way, happy timeshare rental hunting!
Valuable Resources:
Thank you for pointing out how you’ll need to be flexible with the dates of your vacation. My husband and I were thinking about renting a timeshare this year for our vacation. I’ll be sure to keep this in mind while looking at our options.