RCI Weeks Class Action Lawsuit
A website has been created – RCI Class Action Lawsuit – to help inform consumers regarding the latest RCI settlement proposal, and effectively spread the word on exactly what RCI is proposing. The site is an excellent source for information for all RCI Weeks members (both past and present week owners) looking to decode the complicated legal jargon RCI is pressing to have passed through the court system. I urge all weeks members to visit the site and carefully digest all of the facts presented, and make an educated decision on whether or not to accept or reject the settlement. This suit is time-sensitive and if you are an objector you must act before November 20, 2009.What does the class action lawsuit mean to me as a weeks member? Deciding whether or not to accept or object to the proposed RCI settlement will have an impact on your ability to exchange weeks. According to comments made elsewhere on this website by Dave,
“If the Settlement is approved (and it is likely to be approved UNLESS enough members of the class OBJECT), RCI will be able to point to the Court Approved Settlement of This Class Action and say: For two years: You as an EXCHANGER can deposit your week more than 12 months before the check-in date and RCI will leave your week for other Exchangers for up to 31 days from the date of deposit. After 31 Days, including the date of deposit, RCI is free to use the UNIT for any purpose and without limitation for RENTAL. If you as an EXCHANGER deposit less than 12 months before check-in, RCI is free to use the UNIT for Exchange or for RENTAL if there is no Exchange Request for your WEEK on the date of deposit. What happens after the TWO YEAR period has expired: I will leave it up to your imagination! If this Settlement is approved the door is WIDE open for any EXCHANGE company to take your deposits and OPENLY RENT the UNITS.”
For more information regarding what your choices as a present or former RCI Weeks member are, please visit the following sites: TUG BBS, RCI Class Action Lawsuit and RCI Class Action Lawsuit – http://rciclassactionlawsuit.com The comments below are open for discussion surrounding the lawsuit – feel free to voice your opinion or ask questions to other RCI Weeks members.
We have had many years of not being able to exchange exactly what we wanted (regardless of month), we were flexible to make our plans, but RCI had two plus years waiting for any openings to them. But you can only put your name on the list at the beginning of each year, so that shatters plans. The last time we used RCI was 2 1/2 years ago and traded for HI. They set the three of us in a golfing resort, although the place was nice, we had to share a tiny room. Each trade we've done, we've given up our deluxe Fl villa for a cheap downgrade. They charged us to bank, exchange, transfer, and membership, and we got lousy service back. After our trip to HI I dropped their services, it's just not worth it. Been trying for years to sell my timeshare, now I will be donating it just to be free of the hassle.
We have had the same luck with RCI: and furthermore, the French Quarter Building 8 we were supposedly in went bankrupt and now we have no unit at all to sell or trade! We have asked in writing for the “maybe you could use Bldg. 6 in the future, we’re not sure yet”, but they don’t want to put that in writing, and supposedly it will cost us $300 per week to exchange it for something. And the story is that our $6,900 investment is now down the drain and there’s nothing left of it, the crooks! That resort is on the main strip of entertainment in Branson, MO, and there’s no reason it should have gone bankrupt for lack of use, so it must be that there was mismanagement!
So much for a trouble-free retirement with lots of lovely vacation accomodations! Corporations run all over people and this “free market” stuff leaves people like us cold!
Dina and Jeff Nash
Little Rock
The last 4 years, RCI hasn’t been able to accomidate us with our vacation requests. We’ve tried for sevral years for a week in Oahu HI with no success. Now I get a call “guaranting” me a cruise week and a vacation week for a $1900 prepaid vacation fee. Gee I wonder where they got the “weeks”. How much longer is this going to be tolerated. The place to take action is pickiting at any and all time shares, particularly in FL and other high density areas. The problem is with the agreements of the builders/sellers with RCI. Maybe we have to sue these people to discourage them doing business with RCI!