The Mayan Group and RCI
Here’s a short message from a contributor to our website, which was sent to us via the Submit Your Timeshare Experience form.
“RCI is another crook in a long list of crooks in the Timeshare industry. They colluded with the Mayan Group, who lied about being able to sell one of our timeshares. We were told that if we would agree to purchase a Mayan timeshare (that was not worth near what they said it was) we would be rid of our timeshare. What was not explained to us was that we had to use RCI credit to make the purchase.
Then RCI credit duped us by increasing the interest rate prematurely from what they said in previous conversations. The RCI point system looks like it will be disappointing to us to the point that we are planning not to renew. What really is disappointing is that all this stealing is done from behind legal jargon.”
Do you have a personal experience with The Mayan Group? I’m curious to know how The Mayan Group is operating in association with RCI…
We have been two week owners since 2005 and have yet to even think about exncihgang time. Having our Hawaii Kahana Beach fix is wonderful. Aloha and see you there in a couple of weeks.