Grandview Las Vegas – Cancelling the Contract
The following short message was sent to us via the Submit Your Timeshare Story form on our site.
A reminder that a “FREE” magic show in Las Vegas isn’t always worth the trouble…
“Same pitch (at The Grandview at Las Vegas) but we caved on 2nd intervention offer, but a sleepless night brought me to this site. I submitted my cancellation of this business deal the very next day and hopefully there will be no problems with it. Nevada has a 5-day cooling off period. Will let you know if there was a problem. Everyone is right, if it is such a good deal why can’t we have a chance to think about it. I enjoyed our sales person but not the pressure overall. We have learned a lesson, that a good ticket deal is not worth the hassle!”
Let us know how the cancellation works out for you. Thanks for sharing your story.
Want to find out if you can return your timeshare? Read more about timeshare rescission and how to give back an unwanted timeshare.
I have the exact same story and am about to cancel. How did it wirk out for you? Did you loseany money? Do you have any advise for me before I write a letter?
any help is very appreciated!