
Point to Point to Westcoast Timeshare to Crelogix

My husband and I joined Point to Point Timeshare in Vancouver BC, which changed to Westcoast Timeshare. We were asked if we owned a home to begin with we said no, but we did have a motor home (jokingly). The guy said good enough and signed us up on that. We were financed by Travelers acceptance which changed to Crelogix when they changed to Westcoast.

Since then they merged with Vacation Internationale and went Bankrupt, we thought our payments were then going to Vacation Internationale, but they weren’t. I canceled the payments, and they changed the total to a different total to get the money out of my bank 4 times I phoned them to ask if we could make smaller payments to them until we can afford to pay in full, they said No.

Crelogix TimeshareWhen we first signed they asked for a list of people we knew who might like a timeshare, and now they are harrasing the people on that list and talking about us not paying our bills, my husband is worried that they are going to start calling his work.

Does anyone have any advice…has anyone been able to cancel their contract with Crelogix??

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One Comment

  1. i also was scammed re timeshare
    i signed up with Aviawest and they also went bankrupt
    shortly after i signed up. i took a loan out through Aviawest
    and thought i was paying them each month,until i asked for a monthly printout
    which i still dont recieve and was advised Crelogix had my account
    which i was unaware off. I found out they that Aviawest knew they were going down and so did Crelogix knew so they would make monies by taking over the financing
    I was really pissed and annoyed how they were able to pull theis timeshare points buying over my head
    I am going to seek legal advise as I think I was frauded by Aviawest and Crelogix

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