Issues with Westgate
I had an awful experience with Westgates concerning my timeshare. Three years ago I purchase a timeshare with Westgate and I only used it one time. The other time, I could not use it because of problem with my mortgage and other financial issues. I contacted Westgates and told them that I was having financial hardship and could not make a payment for fees and taxes. I purchased this timeshare with cash and didn’t owe money on it. They said they could not help me and it was none of their concerns.
Now, they are sending mail to me and told me they are going to garnish my paycheck. I do not know what to do because I cannot afford to pay any lawyer’s fees to defend myself. I am currently on a loan modification with my mortgage company and can barely pay my other obligations.
I wish somebody can give me suggestion on what to do. I could never go on this timeshare because every time I call them to make arrangement to go, they cannot accommodate my vacation time or I have to pay booking fee on top of paying for the timeshare, fees and taxes. All of these issues were too much for me and I it was over my head and I could not keep up.
I own at Westgate Town Center and just this past winter I upgraded to a floating week. Along with this I got a free membership, for I think a year, with Westgate Cruise and Travel. Another high pressure sell. They work on you for so long that you take what they are selling just to get off of the phone. Their yearly fee was somewhere over $400.and I told him I just oculdn’t aford that. So he offered me this “great deal” to pay $2,000. and then only $29. a month after that. He also gave me 4 free vacations only at Westgate properties. Well, I am paying $114. a month and have waited over two weeks for one of their agents to get back to me to book one of those free vacations. I left messages that I wanted out and all of a sudden everyone there had my number. Again, I was on the phone almost 3 hours. They kept trying to sell me some vacation that was not what I was looking for. I had already paid over $600. and I told them that I wanted to cancel the membership and they could keep the money. They will not let me cancel. I have been reading the posts about how they don’t effect your credit but has anyone cancelled with WCAT and will it effect my credit.