
The Colonies at Williamsburg VA – Pressured to Upgrade

We received the following submission from one of our users regarding their experience with RCI:

“We purchased at timeshare in 2006 had it paid for in full. In 2010 we both lost our jobs. We left the yearly fees go. And felt we lost the timeshare. In 2018 we receive a letter telling us that they will accept half of the fees to bring it up to date. Well, we both have good positions and are doing ok getting out of the hole we put ourselves in while out of jobs. So we took the offer took out a loan and paid the fees off. We love the week we have and decided to go because it wouldn’t cost anything but food and tickets to places.

While we were there they said we need to go to this free lunch and learn about the new incentives the Interval Company was putting in place. We agreed. We went there spent 4 hours telling this man that we couldn’t afford it and he just kept asking us what we could afford. I said only $100 a month that’s all. So he came back with what we thought was a good chance to get better services and area. So we did it. And now we just want to go back to what we had.

Is there a way to get out of the upgrade??? That’s all I want to do.”

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  1. I am assuming you SIGNED another contract. If that is the case and your rescission has ended, you are locked in. Too bad you paid these guys because 8 years was past the Statute of Limitations to collect from you. Also, these “owner Update” meetings are nothing more than an attempt to suck more money out of you.

    Pencil in what you paid for the timeshare and the ever rising fees and I am sure you will find out you would be better off renting whenever you decide to go on vacation. Also when you rent you aren’t locked in like you are with a timeshare.

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